Healing Torn Calluses

For those of you who have never experienced the inconvenient pain of ripping through your calluses, bravo and congratulations. Never have you had to spend days dealing with that ever-lingering pain while you struggle to put on gloves, pick up boxes, make a fist and wash your hands. The list of problems related to wounds on the palm of your hands can fill an entire blog post, but let's skip that nonsense. Instead, today, lets talk about what you can do to help those nasty calluses heal quickly, allowing you to get your hands back into action.

The Crappiest Part: Remove Excess Skin

When a calluses rips, there will probably be extra skin left attached to your hand. You will need to get rid of that skin as it can get infected and will also prove to be extremely uncomfortable.

The Crappier Part: Clean The Wound

With warm water and antibacterial soap, clean out the wound. It will sting like crazy, but this is a necessary step to ensure that your hands do not get infected. 

The Not So Crappy Part: Keeping It Moisturized

If ripped calluses get dry they are going to continually crack open and take forever to heal. Avoid having your hands open up over and over again by keeping your hands moisturized using a non-scented lotion.

The Unconventional Help: Hemorrhoid Cream

I know, I know, this isn't the cream you were thinking of, but believe me, it works. Hemorrhoid cream promotes rapid regeneration of skin leading to a much more condensed recovery time. Apply a healthy dose of hemorrhoid cream to your wound every night and, to ensure that the cream stays applied, put your hand in a clean sock and try to keep it in a fist. Even if you only do this on the first night, the wound will heal much quicker.

Remember, remove excess skin, clean the wound, keep it moisturize and, if you're feeling saucy, use hemorrhoid cream! 

Also, you can also help prevent having your calluses torn open by wearing high-quality work gloves, but that'll be it for shameless self-promotion.


If you have any suggestions for taking care of torn calluses, let us know below!


Posted on February 10, 2015 and filed under Safety Tips.